Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday 3 November

Odette says...

I couldn't be happier if I tried.  My Lumbar Puncture went well last night and I am noticing more and more symptoms disappearing.  Today I realised that my legs and feet were NO longer tingling with pins and needles and electric shocks, this after 7 years!  I also have not had one serious meltdown, my eye-sight is improving and I walk like a normal person. I am not needing as much pain relief.  The list gets longer each day.

In-between therapies we headed out and spent a couple of hours walking around the markets buying some suitable snow-shoes (LOL) and then back for the last of the days therapies.  We got some footage today of Dr Apple, Owen, a translator and myself conversing when some of the realisations (like the legs/feet not on fire) hit.  Very exciting.  The Professor visits tomorrow and we shall film that too, although it will be in Chinese, we should have a translator there. I have requested that my final treatment be a Lumbar Puncture instead of IV, and there seems to be no problems with that.   My Miracle Journey is everything and more I hoped for, even at only halfway through the treatment.  Thankyou Universe!


  1. So glad to hear it's all going well and that you are able to get out and see such lovely and exciting sights. Very excited to hear about the snow :)

  2. It is so good to know everything is going so well!!!!!!!!!!
