Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday 7 November

Its very difficult to know what's been posted on our blog when we can't see it ourselves, or which photos Jarrod has chosen to display, but everyone seems to want news, so here goes....


  • Muscle strength in legs.....almost normal!
  • Muscle tone in legs............almost normal!
  • Tingling (pins and needles and elec shocks) in legs...all gone!
  • Blood Pressure....lowest in 7 years!
  • Neuro reflexes...almost normal.
  • Cholestorol....on target.
  • Eye-sight ....improving.
  • Pain relief.... reduced.
  • Anti-depressant meds...reduced.
  • Walking for miles!
  • Weight...stable (ggrrrr)

I had my 4th treatment last night - 2 more to go.  I have organised the last one to be L/Puncture rather than IV.  No problems there.
I cant speak for everyone else, but this is the stuff of dreams and miracles for me.  Now I'm going to plan a whole new life for when I get home.  My new Nikes are getting a work out and I am loving being outdoors again after all this year on my butt in front of my computer or in bed.
I'm going to live again!


Laurinda was going a bit stir crazy with cabin fever, so I encouraged her to round up a few patients and carers last night and head out to the Paradise Club.  It was good to see her get dressed up and excited.  She must have had a good time because she was the last one home and was locked out of the hospital LOL.  Being a resourceful girl, she somehow found a way in and to her bed.  She and a few others have organised a couple of cars to take them to the downtown Markets today.  Because I had 2 treatments this week, I had to miss a little therapy, so I stayed in today to catch up.  A nice rest too, so my stem cells can do their thing, and a quick nip over the road for a few treats before she returns.  I have no idea how I'm going to cope without Owens massages each day once I'm home.  I may have to bring a Chinese boy back with me!  Ok, just enough time to sample a few snacks before electric wave therapy.

Here's a few more photos:



  1. Woohoo, way to go girl! Such good news. Am so happy for you!!! And you so deserve it, you courageous F :)

    If you don't see the photos, well I like the one with you at the table full of something that looks loads of delicious food. Makes my mouth water.

    Good luck for the rest of the treatment and we miss you!

    Love, Mihela

  2. Fantastic News- I'm so happy for you Odette! Great to see your getting out and about too. Thinking of you as you undergo the rest of your treatment! Can't wait to see you and Laurinda when you get back. Good Luck!
    Lots of Love,

  3. Odette, I'm thrilled for you. You deserve a miracle. Don't worry about the weight thing, let's get pedometers as planned, I'm looking forward to it! Much love.

  4. Odette you look Fab ,you feel Fab ,You are Fab!
    So happy for your miracle and yes you deserve it Fecker ,missing you like crazy ,that food looks yummy ,and I loved the pic of you bottle feeding the fish lol ,Great to hear update of your health,you must be overwhelmed ,I know I would be and with such speed .You had the guts and bravery to try piorneering medicine and it has paid off ,I am soooooo proud of you fecker ,not once did u sit on your butt full of woe is me ,you got out there and grabbed life with both hands and ran with it and admire you immenselly for that.lots of love to you and Laurinda xxx

  5. Tears tears and more tears as my heart is overwhelmed with joy for you. You crazy thing, all your gutts and courage has all paid off. I can't wait for you to come home, christmas with the family will now be a joy and not a trial, and now we can both walk in and get our toenails made beautiful together with out the anxiety and pain. I love you so much my beautiful brave sister, you give me inspiration. My love and Light is with you always and i am always somewhere in the background yahooing you on. Laurinda, you are all that any Mother could ever want in a daughter. You are amazing ! xxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Oh and Odette, by the looks of all that food, no wonder the weight is stable...LOL
