Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Monday 2 November

Odette says..
The day dawned clear with blue sky and fluffy white clouds.  The mountains could be seen clearly. What was happening?  The rumour hit us in room was snowing!!  We raced to the window, being 8 floors up and totally unused to snow, we weren't quite sure where to look.  I think we were expecting white piles on the ground, but then we saw it!  Beautiful snowflakes flurrying in the breeze.  The first snowfall of the year and we think it means good luck.  We dressed and headed out into it.  We have been very insulated in the hospital and were definitely not prepared for the zero degree temperature outside but it was sheer loveliness.  So pretty and so special for us, we have never been snowed on.  Our photos didn't do it justice really, but we are hoping for more opportunities over the next few weeks.

We have had a nice day, picked up some souvineers and I made it hours past pill time again.  Dr Apple is as happy as I am with my results so far.  I breezed through therapy and am now resting before my next stem cell treatment in a couple of hours.  The Gods are certainly smiling on us. :)

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