Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hi, my name is Odette, I have Multiple Sclerosis and I am 49 years old. Until 7 or 8 years ago, I was a very healthy and active person. I loved working, socialising and even bush walking. When I turned 40 I began to notice some strange things happening to me, but put them all down to being the big 40! It didnt take long before I noticed symptoms that were no longer able to be pushed aside. The first was pins and needles that started in my feet and quickly progressed to mid thigh. I visited my Doctor and he basically ordered me to see a Specialist fast. I did so. The Spec sent me for X-rays which looked fine and a Lumbar Puncture which was the beginning of the end really. Within 2 days I had a very severe MS attack and was admitted to hospital where I underwent my first MRI. It showed many, many years worth of myelin damage around my brain and a few down my spine as well. New symptoms appeared at quite an alarming rate. After my second clinical relapse I was put on Beta Interferons, which I didnt feel helped me much if at all. A couple of years passed with my MS slowly progressing. I visited a new Specialist who changed my medication to Copaxone which is self-injected daily. I had a huge and immediate improvement! I was able to work again! I was still suffering from typical MS symptoms but they were quite bearable. Two years later I felt my disease progressing faster and faster. I was unable to continue working again. I had and still suffer from terrible cognitive problems, no control over my body temp which causes overheating and loss of energy, weakness and severe pain in my legs, lack of balance, nerve fatigue, loss of hearing, taste and smell. Some days I walk and some days I do not. I have very little short-term memory, loud noises and explosions in my head, I can no longer move my toes and lately my arms and fingers are becoming weak and very un-coordinated too. My emotions are very fragile. I cannot be among crowds any longer and if I am able to drive, I travel very short distances and cannot stay away from my home for very long. There are many more symptoms I suffer from, but I think that will do for now lol.
I began researching Stem Cell therapy. I feel it is the only hope I have left available to me that will offer me any quality of life. Im just not ready to lay down and die yet. I also hate feeling like the alien which the MS has caused. Even if I had the words to describe this feeling, I doubt anyone other than a fellow sufferer would understand. I have a wonderful family who are very supportive and caring. Laurinda is accompanying me to China, she will be my Carer so to speak and for this, I will be forever grateful. My son Roo helps me out a lot too at home or driving me places. My older sister has also been a Godsend to me, despite having her own medical issues and my friend Hamish who has always been there for me.
I am not nervous or scared about this futuristic medical therapy I am going to receive. I am excited and hopeful and positive. I am going to get my life back!


  1. Hi Odette and Laurinda,

    Wishing you both a safe and fruitful trip.
    Looking forward to hearing how it all goes. All the best


  2. I have read so many wonderful accounts of stem cell therapy for many different things. I am hoping and praying and feel sure that your good story will top them all!!

  3. Safe journey i am sure all will be well love and light Suzie xxxx
